5 Must-Haves for a Modern Office

17. June 2024

Many office spaces built just ten years ago are now hopelessly outdated in light of rapidly changing demands. Global trends demand offices that boost productivity, increase employee satisfaction and contribute to business success.

Is it even possible to create such an office and if so, how can we achieve it?

Here are the five key features every modern office should have:

Flexibility for Quick Adaptation

Today’s businesses need office spaces that can be quickly adapted to changing needs. Whether it’s easily reconfigurable layouts or multifunctional spaces, flexibility allows companies to efficiently respond to changes in employee numbers and business requirements.

The Fast and The Green

In the offices of tomorrow, super-fast internet and advanced IT solutions are no longer perks but essential parts of the everyday work environment.

Smart technologies, such as the Internet of Things, automated lighting and climate control, have already proven their value. These innovations not only improve efficiency but also create a more pleasant and productive work environment.

Moreover, smart and sustainable office solutions reflect a commitment to environmental consciousness, which is increasingly important for attracting new employees. For instance, not having solar panels on your roof can be seen as a missed opportunity today and the same goes for energy-recovering ventilation systems.

Are Your Employees Happy?

Considering today’s high employee turnover rates, ensuring employee satisfaction and health is crucial for any company.

How can the office space contribute to this? Mental and physical well-being are supported by features like natural light, high-quality indoor air, spaces that encourage movement and wellness facilities. These elements form a significant part of the overall work experience.

Location, Location, Location. And Accessibility

Closeness to public transport, smooth connections, parking and a feel-good location have always been crucial for major business centers to ensure easy access for both employees and clients.

In recent years, features like electric vehicle charging stations and adequate bike storage have also become important. These amenities make commuting easier, reduce stress levels and enhance overall satisfaction.

Interestingly, global statistics show that good access can reduce employee tardiness by up to 25%.

Be Safe

The feeling of security and protection has always been important, no matter the time or place. The security systems in office buildings and business centers should work effectively in the background, allowing people to feel safe without constant concern. This category also includes safety and health regulations, especially in the post-COVID world. Making compliance easy and convenient ensures people generally follow the guidelines.

Versum as a Good Example of a Modern Office

Versum business center, located at the crossroads of Ulbrokas and Dzelzavas in Riga’s rapidly developing business district, is a good example of how to create modern offices with sustainable design.

Mihkel Kaarjärv, Estmak Capital’s sales manager, is pleased with the center’s solutions: “Versum, with its BREEAM certification, not only meets modern standards but exceeds them. We offer tenants smart solutions they might not even expect.”

Versum offices are designed for flexibility. For instance, if a company experiences changes in employee numbers or undergoes other significant transformations, reconfiguring the space is easy. The integrated office-showroom-warehouse concept accelerates business processes and enhances the end-customer experience.

In addition to convenience, Versum spaces also save costs for clients. “Smart office solutions can reduce costs by 20-30%,” Kaarjärv explains. Savings also come from each company’s ability to manage its indoor climate independently.

Versum’s advanced IT infrastructure seamlessly integrates necessary devices, including adaptive lighting and climate control systems. The A-class energy standard certifies that the buildings use energy-efficient construction materials, solar panels, water- and heat-saving solutions.

Designed with Human Needs in Mind

Versum is built with a focus on human needs. The spaces are filled with natural light and the indoor air is kept fresh continuously. Outdoor green areas with benches between buildings contribute significantly to employee satisfaction.

The location at the intersection of major roads offers a practical compromise for commuters, whether they travel by public transport, car or bike. On-site amenities include ample parking, bike racks and charging stations for electric vehicles.

At Versum, safety is a top priority. Thoughtfully designed entrances, surveillance and security solutions help reduce and prevent critical situations, including workplace accidents, creating a comfortable environment for everyone in the center.

Yes. A Great Office is Possible

New office spaces pose several high demands on developers, but well-designed offices are possible and already exist. Versum, with its smart solutions, is proof that with the right approach we can create spaces that are flexible, energy-efficient, human-centered and accessible.

Versum is set to open in August. Learn more about Versum here